Noetic Balancing

The noetic field is the energy field in and around us.

In the course of our lives, we create blocks in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of our noetic field (aura) in response to events and experiences. These blocks are often expressed as self-judgments, judgments of others, and limiting beliefs. Over time, these blocks can manifest as anxiety, depression, stress or illness.


As a Noetic Practitioner,

I open to spirit and assist you in clearing these blocks by using a pendulum and guiding you to identify and release blocks through self-forgiveness statements. The result is greater freedom, peace, clarity and love.


This work brings alignment in oneself and collaboration between our human experience and the true essence of soul that we are.


The process helps dissolve illusions of ourselves as ego and ushers in the remembrance of our true selves, our identity as eternal living love, a divine soul in the heart of God. We come to remember that we are the ones who come to bring Loving. We come into such deep cooperation with God that our challenges, judgments and blocks become stepping stones to even greater intimacy and loving with God and all of creation. We receive an invitation to see each moment, circumstance and situation as an opportunity to join God in loving all of its creation. We remember we are the Light of the World.


Learn more about noetic balancing here.

What to expect.

I offer in person and remote balancing sessions.

In person:

A session is usually one hour to an hour and half. The client lies on a massage table and I use a pendulum to assist me in clearing energetic blockages. The first part of the session is silent. Then I will ask a series of questions and guide the client through self-forgiveness statements. Most people find the experience relaxing and feel lighter afterwards.


Because this work is energetic in nature, the virtual option is as effective as in-person. In remote sessions, I proceed to the question and answer portion of the work and guide the client through self-forgiveness statements.